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The roots. This is me!

Hi, I’m Marinda and ya’ll will get to know me more as I get a chance to post more blogs and share more about all the things I do. I hope to get to know ya’ll better, as well, throughout the days and years to come as we journey together.  Be sure to check out the ‘About Me’ section to learn more about my family and me.  

As you may have read already, I wear many hats. I am a wife, toddler mom, homestead manager, Airbnb Superhost, and am into this or that most of the time. I am hopeful that these blogs and this website will encourage you to laugh, learn something new, find joy, and feel connected. I look forward to writing and sharing stories from my everyday happenings and life experiences with ya’ll.

Because of how I was raised, activities like growing my own herbs and organic vegetables, preparing food, raising hens and farm animals, and finding new ways to make what I need from things that I already have come naturally for me. Many of these things were passed down from the older generations of my family to me and the rest are things I have learned over time.  

I am originally from the Appalachian Mountains of Southwestern Virginia in a small trail town called Damascus. I am proud of my hometown because it is a place that brings back fond memories of front porch sitting, spending time with my grandparents and the older generations, and being loved by some awesome neighbors. My favorite part of my hometown is the mountains where seven nationally known trails intersect, and nature abounds. The mountains are where I feel closest to God and most connected. I am blessed to have spent many years of my childhood in the best playground a child could ask for… nature. 

Now that I am in Nashville, I am making my little “patch” of land a place that provides what we need and offers sweet memories along with the hard work that we’ve put into it. Thanks for exploring my webpage and reading my blogs. I won’t share everything about myself and my life all at once, because I have to save something to write about later, right?!? I’ll talk to ya’ll again soon. From the bottom of my heart, I love you bunches!

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